3D Scene Server and Converter App

Tech Maven Geospatial has done it again! Innovation and problem-solving high-performance solution in an easy-to-install and manage Windows & Linux data serving app.

Deliver OGC 3DTILES and OGC i3S -SceneServer mapping services (from local files 3DTILES (.3DTILES or .3TZ) and SLPK)

 ✔ Deliver OGC GeoVolume API and OGC 3D Portrayal Service – Coming in 1.1 release Jan/Feb 2023

3D Geospatial Data Mapping and Data Visualization Library (Terriajs/Cesium and ArcGIS API for JavaScript SceneView)

Convert 3D Geospatial Data to 3DTILES

Convert 3D Models into GLB

Deliver 3D Buildings & Point Clouds

The app is able to deliver b3dm 3DTILES and pnts 3DTILES and ESRI SceneLayer Package (SLPK) i3S URL’s to the build in mapping clients or any mapping app on the network

Discovery the Services

Easy to consume and find API’s JSON responses


Delivers a JSON response of all the mapping services being served by the app.

Discover Map Services

Quickly and Easily Convert Data

Convert LiDAR Point Cloud LAS to PNTS 3DTILES

Rebuilt From the Inside OutConvert 3D Shapefile to b3dm 3DTILES


Advanced Map Viewers

We include:

  • Cesium based Terriajs for 3DTILES
  • ESRI ArcGIS API For JavaScript for i3S SceneServer

Use ATAK to show 3D Buildings

in your EUD open up the Discover web page from the 3D Scene Server to get the URL and copy it
1. Launch the ATAK app and go to the ATAK Map Manager 
2. Go to the MOBILE tab. 
3. Select the Down Arrow and Add (+) Button.
 4. Type/paste in the URL to the dataset’s tileset.json file

Services Server End Point

Deliver OGC 3DTILES and OGC i3S -SceneServer

3D Geospatial Data Mapping and Data Visualization Library

Convert 3D Geospatial Data to 3DTILES

Convert 3D Models into GLB

A Perfect Complement to this App is Geo Data Server →